Create an Amazon page that sells your products

Thursday 16 May 2024 
Elsa Benaiche Elsa Benaiche
3 minutes
Create an Amazon page that sells your products

Amazon is the undisputed leader in eCommerce1, attracting vast numbers of consumers with 74% of online shoppers2 buying through the Amazon platform.

Given its success, a growing number of vendors are also choosing to use Amazon. Every day, 3700 professionals3 subscribe to the platform, offering « multitude of products1 ». To stand out from the masses, they have to pay particular attention to their product page as 92.4% of conversions4 occur after a visit to the product page.

Find out how to create an Amazon product page that makes your products sell, and how to stand out effectively on the platform.

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Amazon product pages: the important elements to optimize


The title

The product title is crucial for generating sales on Amazon.

For a title to have the most impact it must be short, include key product information (brand, model number, type…) and use no more than 200 characters, including spaces.

Title - Amazon page

Your title should also be catchy to encourage shoppers to visit the product page which is the first element5 they see when they use the search engines.

Optimizing the title is essential to make your product page « identifiable6 » by search engines.


The product description

The product description is an essential means of attracting shoppers on Amazon.

To write a compelling product description, present the information clearly and don't hesitate to use bullet points. The shopper needs to immediately understand the key selling points and the benefits of using the product7. You should also include some marketing type information such as storytelling, mission, brand values, etc.

Well written descriptions have a direct influence4 on your product page's conversion rate.



Photos attract customers on Amazon and encourage them to buy.

To appeal to buyers, your photos must be very high quality8 (HD) and respect the dimensions9 imposed by the platform. The worldwide giant won't hesitate to « delete offers » that do not comply with their rules.

It's a good idea to present several photos of each product to show it from different angles. The 62% highest performing product pages5 on Amazon have between 5 and 8 photos, and including 3 photos can increase sales by around 120%2 .


Customer reviews

Customer reviews are important to reassure Amazon shoppers who often choose products with « the best reviews » on the platform5.

To make these customer reviews work for you, you need to be proactive by consistently encouraging shoppers to leave reviews on your products3… and of course you should answer the questions that customers leave on the product page as these questions are also visible to other Amazon users8.

Using customer reviews helps shoppers to make their purchasing decisions as 77% of shoppers10 read product reviews before purchasing.


To take it further and sell on Amazon


Make use of the Amazon algorithm

It is crucial to perform well in Amazon search rankings and this requires fully understanding11 its algorithm.

To improve your rankings in the platform search results, you should integrate long train keywords in the contents of your product pages: marketing descriptions, titles, sales pitches… and pay particular attention to your performance, relevance, and customer satisfaction as the Amazon algorithm8 uses these three criteria to sort their products.

Optimizing rankings improves product visibility on Amazon: 51% of shoppers2 head to this platform to search for products.


Use the potential of Amazon's A+ Content

A+ Content represents a fantastic opportunity for sellers to stand out on Amazon. Sellers that use it achieve a conversion rate 21 times higher than content ranked F11 and +15% in Revenue1.

A+ Content - Amazon

To get the most from A+ Content, sellers must register on Amazon Vendor Central12 or Amazon Seller Central and be listed in the « Brand registry ». Vendors should also make the most of the spaces provided by this tool12 to add text and visuals: FAQs, comparison tables, slideshows…

To use A+ Content to its full potential, vendors should manage all relevant product information such as photos, comparison tables, or slideshows, efficiently which requires using a Product Information Management solution.

PIM goes further in the management of the visual or text content required by Amazon's A+ Content: digital asset management, centralization, supervision… Workflow and user right features also allow you to organize the input of several contributors in the product information enrichment phase.

All in all, sellers can present comprehensive product pages and detailed descriptions to persuade potential buyers on Amazon and significantly increase their sales.

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1 Venaut, N. (2023, March 13). + 15 % de chiffre d'affaires avec le contenu A+ Amazon, c'est possible ? Blog Lengow.
2 Salisify. Comment le contenu enrichi aide-t-il à vendre sur Amazon ? | Salsify.
3 Adobe. (2023, May 23). Le guide détaillé de la vente sur Amazon.
4 O‘Shea, S. (2023, August 8). Améliorez votre Activité E-Commerce avec Amazon Funnel Insights. Semrush Blog.
5 Desprez, C. (2024, February 27). Comment vendre sur Amazon : 7 tactiques testées et approuvées.
6 CA Mon Commerce. 7 éléments indispensables pour rédiger une bonne page produit pour mon site e-commerce.
7 Verdoy, Á. (2017, December 13). Product Content Is King for Your Conversion Rates : Ecommerce. Semrush Blog.
8 HubSpot. Le guide pour créer un shop sur Amazon.
9 Comment vendre sur Amazon. Amazon Seller Services FR.
10 Osman, M. (2024, January 24). Statistiques sur le eCommerce pour 2024 – Chatbots, Voix, Marketing Omni-Channel. Kinsta.
11 Chardenon, A. Comment l'algorithme Amazon fonctionne-t-il ? Salsify.
12 Lengow & Skillup ebook. Augmentez vos ventes sur Amazon grâce aux pages A+.

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