Use video to improve your product pages

Monday 4 January 2021 
Elsa Benaiche Elsa Benaiche
4 minutes
Use video to improve your product pages

Video is an essential marketing tool for improving the quality of your product pages. It is more impactful than other medias as it calls upon hearing and vision, two senses which when used together make it easier to remember information.

Video is also a more appealing tool for consumers: 72% of them1 prefer to find video than written content when researching a product.

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Discover how to use video to create high quality product pages.


Video and product pages: the benefits

By associating the power of image with sound, video conveys precise messages to create product pages that appeal to consumers: 64% of shoppers2 are more likely to buy a product on an eCommerce site after having seen it in video.


Reassure buyers

Videos are essential in product pages to reassure the shopper and allow them to make their purchase with confidence: 50% of shoppers3 will be more sure of a product's quality after having watched a video.

Video is also a means of removing any obstacles to a purchase: a doubt about a product's features, uncertainty about how to use it… Videos provide answers to many questions and improve a shopper's understanding of a product by 74% on average4.


Attract potential buyers

In the context of online sales, as the buyer can not touch the product, they need as much information as possible about it.

A video on a product page creates a special link between the shopper and the product: they can see it better and imagine themselves using it. 90% of shoppers5 will use a product video as part of their decision to buy.


The most effective types of video on a product page

video and product pages

Videos play a strategic role for a company: 92% of marketing professionals6 admit that video is a valuable part of their strategy. To get the most from a video on your product page, it's essential to choose the right type of video: one that will help shoppers in their purchasing process. Some of the most effective types of video7: customer testimonials (51%), tutorials (50%), product demos (49%).


Customer testimonials

Customer testimonials are a means of reassuring consumers about a product's reliability: 88% of shoppers8 tend to check testimonials before buying.

Video testimonials go further to convey how the customer really feels about their product. In a video testimonial a shopper can identify with real use cases for a product, increasing their connection with the brand.



Video tutorials let shoppers see a product in use, making it easier to understand how it works. More compelling, they are a more effective means of acquiring information on a product and are 3 times more likely9 to be looked at than a user guide.

With a tutorial the shopper benefits from the brand's expertise and feels supported in their use of a product: 73% of them10 are more likely to buy after watching a tutorial video.


Product demonstration videos

A product demo video allows the shopper to understand the benefits of a product: it provides clear and concise information on the main features and/or advantages. 85% of Millennials11 say that videos are helpful in their shopping process.

Demo videos are also used to appeal to consumers at first glance, immersing them in the brand (visual identity, logo, soundscape…) and showing the product in real use conditions.


Capitalize on the potential of videos on your product pages

Having a video on a product page improves sales: it can increase your conversion rate by up to 80%12.

To achieve these results, you must ensure that every video is optimized and customized to each sales channel.


Optimize video SEO

pim product pages videos

It has become essential to optimize a video's SEO (Search Engine Optimization). At each stage of the customer journey, the shopper must have access to accurate and relevant information linked to their search engine requests. This requires that Product and Marketing teams complete and enrich the SEO fields of the videos in a product page: clear and catchy title, most pertinent key words, short and appealing description to make browsers want to watch the video…

To come out top in search engines, video contents must also be optimized for smartphones: 10.21% of shoppers13 use phones to add a product to their cart, as opposed to 11.63% on Desktop and 11.25% on tablets. This means that Product and Marketing teams must systematically optimize videos according to the channel's requirements: text size, title length, CTA readability, loading speed…


Adapt your video to each sales channel

One of the great things about videos is that they are so easy to distribute. To increase a video's visibility, it should be published on the product pages of several different eCommerce platforms: websites, Marketplaces, mobile apps…

This means that Product and Marketing teams must manage their video files efficiently and ensure that they are correctly adapted to each sales channel (video length, resolution, file type…). This adaptation is essential on a product page to transform visits into sales.

To achieve this, it has become essential to use PIM (Product Information Management) software. It must include Digital Asset Management features and/or have good connectors to interact with the company's DAM. By integrating a Digital Asset Management system (DAM), PIM enables you to manage your videos in different formats and to store them and broadcast them in the appropriate formats on all sales channels.

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1 Andjelic, J. A. (2019, august 12). Video is King – 30+ Video Marketing Statistics for 2020.
2 CA Mon Commerce. 7 éléments indispensables pour rédiger une bonne page produit pour mon site e-commerce.
3 Gabrielli, P. G. (2019, may 16). La vidéo produit, avenir du e-commerce ?
4 Herpin, T. H. (2019, august 19). Référencement naturel : Définition, Guide Complet & Outils.
5 Liberge, A. L. (2020, september 22). 10 statistiques vidéo marketing qui comptent en 2021 [Infographie].
6 Chaffey, D. C. (2020, february 11). Video marketing statistics to know for 2020.
7 Templeman, M. T. (2017, september 6). 17 Stats And Facts Every Marketer Should Know About Video Marketing.
8 Ben Helal, B. B. (2018, may 30). Trois Chiffres Clés À Connaître Sur Les Avis Clients.
9 Think with Google. (2017, may 15). 3 ways digital video has upended shopping as we know it.
10 Chevalier, J. C. (2019, june 6). 5 formats vidéos qui améliorent les ventes en e-commerce.
11 PR newswire. (2015, june 23). Millennials Turn to Video When Making Purchases Says New Animoto Data.
12 Simpson, J. S. (2020, july 20). Six Ways To Optimize Your Landing Page For Conversions.
13 Sensefuel. (2020, january 17). [Infographie] L'avenir du m-commerce : statistiques et tendances 2020-2025.

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