Power-up your video marketing campaigns

Guide and advises
Thursday 3 October 2024 
Elsa Benaiche Elsa Benaiche
2 minutes
Power-up your video marketing campaigns

Online video campaigns are an effective means of promoting a product and highlighting its features and benefits1. Videos come in many different shapes2 and sizes and can be presented on various online media: third-party websites (display advertising), social networks (social media ads), forums...

Worldwide expenditure in online video commercials is expected to exceed 295 billion dollars3 by 2026 as it is one of the most widely used (57%4) content formats among marketing professionals.

Learn about online video advertising and how PIM connected to the Goaland Video extension helps you increase the power of your video marketing campaigns.

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Video: the fast-growing online advertising format

Online advertising has become « the leading channel used by advertisers5 » ahead of television and the volume of video commercials continues to rise6.

vidéo - campagnes marketing

Shoppers are increasingly drawn to online video advertising: 60% prefer them6 to television commercials. They watch this type of content from start to finish6 and retain them better: 80% of them6 remember at least one video commercial that they have watched during the previous month.

For businesses, Internet video advertising « costs less7 » and thanks to the information gleaned from the various data collected online, enables them to « precisely target or retarget5 » a specific audience. Online video advertising also provides « measurable results5 » which help businesses to adjust their advertising strategies.


Online video advertising: give new scope to your videos


The power of customization

When shoppers are looking to buy, they want to be able to choose from a large choice of references. 63% of shoppers8 like to discover new items such as limited editions, luxury collections, artist collaborations…

The possibility of choosing from among a wide range of products increases their chances of finding the product that exactly fits their needs10 .

To satisfy this expectation, businesses are presenting a wide variety of product types to shoppers with 30,000 new products8 being launched on the market each year.


Create the perfect video for your target

In this context, businesses are increasingly using online video advertising with all the creative possibilities they provide including colors, models, styles… to create compelling and dynamic videos adapted to the preferences of each target audience.

publicité vidéo - cible

This customization allows you to create videos that are « more relevant10 » to shoppers, showing products that match their needs perfectly10 . 40% of shoppers10 are more likely to click on this type of video.

Making an effort to personalize your videos also increases the chances of converting clicks to sales as the average absorption rate for customized videos is 35% higher6 than for non-customized videos, and can increase a business's conversion rate by over 10%11.

To ensure that videos work well with a specific target audience, you can carry out A/B tests by, for example, changing the product used, to identify the videos that give the best results.


Push the boundaries with your PIM and the Video extension

PIM (Product Information Management) solutions integrating a Digital Asset Management solution let you safely store all information relating to the product (technical characteristics, marketing descriptions, prices…) and marketing videos, in a unique platform.

To complement your Product Information Management (PIM) solution, Goaland has created a Video extension.

Connected to your PIM, this extension automatically generates videos from Adobe After Effects templates and includes the information contained in your PIM (texts, prices, photos…). This enables you to create wide scale, limitless videos promoting your products and to satisfy the preferences of each target audience.

This approach to advertising generates better results. 86% of marketing professionals11 say that this personalization improves their overall marketing performance.

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1 Quels sont les 3 types de publicités pour les produits ? | Mailchimp.
2 Type de publicité sur internet : focus | solocal.com. (2021, June 16).
3 Domenech, A. F. Le guide ultime de la publicité vidéo en ligne. Outbrain.
4 Saïd, K. S. Statistiques sur le marketing vidéo : L'état du marketing vidéo en 2024. Storystellar.
5 Comment mener une campagne de publicité digitale performante ? hubspot.com.
6 La publicité vidéo en 2022 : les chiffres à connaître. (2022, June 21). playplay.com.
7 Zerbib, J. Comment s'organiser pour faire de la pub sur internet ? Unlimitd.
8 34 Product Statistics and Trends for Product Teams and PMs. (2024, March 22).
9 Que sont les publicités vidéo et comment les diffuser ? (2023, February 9).
10 La publicité personnalisée - Fonctionnement et mise en œuvre (2023).
11 Targeted Advertising Statistics Statistics : Market Data Report 2024. (2024, July 23).

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