Capitalize on Augmented Reality to enhance your brand experience

Tuesday 5 November 2024 
Elsa Benaiche Elsa Benaiche
3 minutes
Capitalize on Augmented Reality to enhance your brand experience

Initially associated with industry and gaming contexts, Augmented Reality (AR) is currently booming in eCommerce. In 2022, the AR market represented 40.12 billion US dollars1 and is expected to reach 1.19 trillion dollars by 20321.

Given the success of this technology, Tech giants2 such as Google, Apple, Microsoft, or Facebook are investing in Augmented Reality and a growing number of businesses are exploring the various possibilities: smart mirrors, product visualization, sponsored filters…

Discover how Augmented Reality can be used in sales, some examples of how this technology is applied, and its potential for the future.

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How Augmented Reality (AR) can be used in sales

Augmented Reality (AR) provides a « completely new shopping experience3 » by superimposing virtual elements (2 or 3D images, sounds, videos…) onto shoppers' real environment.

By « blurring » the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds, Augmented Reality gives shoppers a fun and engaging experience2 by allowing them to interact with a given product. 72% of shoppers4 are interested in this use of AR and 61% of stores5 provide these experiences.

From a business perspective, using AR achieves better results. 82% of businesses4 that have already used it have increased their sales, gained new customers, improved their performance indicators… and have been known to increase their instore footfall by up to 60%6.


Examples of Augmented Reality in use


Smart mirrors

Smart mirrors use Augmented Reality and allow shoppers to virtually try on an article without having to actually touch it.

Smart mirrors7 increase customer comfort by removing the friction points of the traditional fitting rooms as well as waiting time and lack of space. 97% of shoppers8 have already abandoned a purchase for at least one of these reasons. These smart mirrors also allow them to access additional information such as product references that may not be available instore, suggestions of similar articles, size guide, product information…

Smart mirrors - AR

Many different industries use smart mirrors (handbags, cosmetics, shoes…) and are continuously developing new functionalities so that these mirrors become « fully functional stores9 ». For example, ZERO10 a company specializing in Augmented Reality developed a smart mirror with many different features9: digital effects, recording of photos and videos, possibility to download a look and share it on social media... Many big brands such as Tommy Hilfiger9 or Nike6 have already adopted them.


Augmented Reality filters

Augmented Reality filters allow shoppers to use the camera on their smartphone to virtually try on a product (lipstick, glasses, clothes…) and to see immediately how it looks on them10 .

Social media networks such as Snapchat have greatly contributed to the popularity of these filters11 by enabling brands to sponsor them for promotional or commercial purposes.

Nike created a special Snapchat filter to promote their Nike Air Force 1 among the platform's users who can customize a pair of shoes, by changing the color or materials, before trying them on virtually. 40% of shoppers12 are prepared to pay more for products that they have customized themselves using Augmented Reality.

Augmented Reality filters are a fantastic business opportunity, and it is anticipated that they will gradually be adopted by other social media platforms. TikTok recently launched the « Effect House Branded Effects » solution enabling businesses to co-design sponsored visual effects with « TikTok effects creators13 » to increase their brand appeal.


Product Visualization

Augmented Reality allows shoppers to see how their product looks in a real environment. 50% of shoppers14 are more likely to buy a product if they can visualize it in use through their smartphone.

Augmented Reality - Video

This use of Augmented Reality is particularly relevant in the furnishings industry. 60% of the articles15 that can be visualized using Augmented Reality are in the furnishings product category. By using AR in this sector, shoppers can visualize their chosen items of furniture (chair, bed, lamp…) and items such as « tiles or wooden flooring15 » in their home environment. This way they can see how these elements fit into their space and make the right purchasing choices.

In the home decor industry, Augmented Reality is a technology with a bright future, in particular with the launch of advanced functionalities such as « Try On For Home Decor16 » on Pinterest. This functionality enables the platform's users to virtually place certain products in their home to get a better idea of their intended purchase. For the moment this functionality is only used by certain US distributors such as Walmart or Wayfair, giving « new life to the furnishings industry15 ».

To sum up, Augmented Reality (AR) provides brands with new ways of interacting with their audience by creating memorable moments online and offline. It also enables them to create engaging experiences around their product offer to encourage shoppers to buy through all the brand's contact points.

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1 Keenan, M. (2024, August 19). AR Shopping : Top Trends and Apps for the Future (2024). Shopify.
2 Sokolovsky, O. (2022, March 10). The Future Of Augmented Reality For Retailers And Brands.
3 Berthoux, P. (2023, November 15). Réalité augmentée : 6 secteurs que cette technologie va révolutionner.
4 Comarketing-News. (2022, October 6). Réalité augmentée : un potentiel encore sous-estimé par les marques.
5 Fittingbox. (2022, March 24). L'impact de la Réalité Augmentée dans le Commerce en ligne.
6 Offredi, J. (2023, September 14). L'essayage virtuel, une technologie en vogue dans le milieu du luxe. Siècle Digital.
7 Bathelot, B. (2016, April 16). Miroir digital interactif.
8 Dopson, E. (2023, January 10). What Are Virtual Fitting Rooms and How Do They Work ? (2024). Shopify.
9 Hirschmiller, S. (2023, May 19). Why the new generation of AR smart mirrors are catnip for fashion and beauty retail. Forbes.
10 Samuel, K. (2022, November 29). What Are Augmented Reality Filters, And How Can You Market Your Business With Them ? Forbes.
11 Rosso, S. (2021, July 5). Les filtres en réalité augmentée ont-ils un avenir pour les marques ? Siècle Digital.
12 Peebler, A. Augmented Reality in Ecommerce. Salesforce.
13 TikTok. (2023, March 28). Libérer les possibilités créatives des marques avec Effect House Branded Effects.
14 Alexandre, D. V. (2023, November 20). How AI And Immersive Tech Will Impact E-Commerce In 2024.
15 Bulakh, K. (2023, January 31). L'impact de la réalité augmentée sur les ventes dans l'ameublement.
16 Corot, L. (2022, February 1). Pinterest dévoile une fonctionnalité pour visualiser un meuble en réalité augmentée.

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