3 teams that can benefit from PIM

Product Information Management
Mittwoch 27 April 2022 
Elsa Benaiche Elsa Benaiche
3 Minuten
3 teams that can benefit from PIM

Product data is the basis of any Sales and Marketing strategy. If the data is high quality it can generate up to 10%1 more in sales.

To reach this quality requires that the Sales, Marketing, and SEO teams carry out in-depth work on their data: enrich, optimize, adapt to targets, proofread, and validate… To do this work efficiently requires a PIM (Product Information Management) solution.

Find out how PIM helps Sales, Marketing, and SEO teams in their everyday processing of product information.

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Sales teams


Guarantee the reliability of product information

Finding errors in product information is unacceptable for customers and gives the business an unprofessional image. These errors also risk reducing the efficiency2 of sales teams and their progress in gaining new customers.

sales teams

PIM (Product Information Management) solutions allow Sales teams to guarantee the quality of the information presented to the customer. PIM centralizes all product data (marketing, logistics, technical…) and its multi-user management features enable each contributor, depending on their user rights, to improve the quality of this data: organization, correction, checking… This means that Sales teams have constant access to a unique product repository containing complete, consistent, and up to date data, and can manage their sales activities with peace of mind.


Customize the sales strategy

Potential buyers are often frustrated by « generic » sales approaches that they consider to be  « impersonal ». To get their attention3, sales teams need to use a personal approach.

PIM lets sales teams adapt their sales strategy to each target audience. Quick search features allow these teams to find the information they need quickly and to create high quality sales documents: price pamphlets, sales brochures, catalogs… and to adapt them to the specific needs of each target (product offer, sales pitch, price…).


Marketing teams


Enrich information with digital media

Shoppers love visual content4 as it allows them to really see the product and judge its quality for (17%5), size and/or color for (11%5), and materials or fabrics for (7%5)… It also helps them to visualize themselves using it.

To provide this experience, Marketing professionals are presenting a wide range of product related digital media: photos from different angles, demo videos, tutorials… For 69% of them6, this content is « very important », if not « critical ».

PIM solutions with an integrated Digital Asset Management system (DAM) help Marketing teams to present product information alongside digital media in a multitude of formats: photos, video files, logos, enriched images… With a PIM they can effortlessly link these media items to the relevant product information and adapt them to the demands of each eCommerce platform: length of texts, image formats, categories and subcategories…


Present compelling product descriptions

The product description is essential for influencing the customer and needs special attention. When a shopper visits a product page, the product description is considered as the most important content (76%7) with reviews following close behind (71%7) and then product photos (66%7). However this product description is often incomplete and/or incorrect: 50% of shoppers8 have already returned a product because it didn't match the description.

marketing teams

This is why it is so important for Marketing teams to spend time writing compelling product descriptions which speak to the shopper. They also need to check that these descriptions contain the right information9 (benefits, composition, user guidelines…) and all the information necessary to make an informed choice about the right product.

PIM allows Marketing teams to ensure that product descriptions are complete and detailed. Thanks to its collaborative features, several teams can contribute to the enrichment of data with additional information. Progress analysis features also provide Marketing teams with optimal visibility over the progress of each datasheet and allow them to respond quickly to complete and/or correct as needed.


SEO teams

Customer behavior has changed! To check out a product before buying, 53% of shoppers10 first look online. These online searches represent the second biggest acquisition channel for eCommerce sites and generate 32%11 of their global monthly traffic.

SEO teams therefore have to keep a constant watch to find the best keywords (trends, high search volumes, low competition…) and complete each field in the product page with targeted keywords. Google is constantly updating its algorithms so the teams must also regularly update keywords in line with these changes.

PIM allows SEO teams to optimize how they manage keywords. Through a unique, user-friendly interface, they can complete each SEO field directly (Alt tags linked to images, Title tags, meta descriptions…) and include targeted keywords. Through its workflow engine they can also monitor the conformity of the information required for each field, quickly update keywords, and check their relevance before publication.

Product Information Management (PIM) solutions are necessary strategic allies for Sales, Marketing and SEO teams. They improve their daily management of product information and let them reach their strategic objectives faster. With its advanced features, PIM solves many of the issues linked to their jobs.

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1 Adone Conseil. (2022, February 9). 3 conseils pour maintenir la qualité de vos données-produits. adoneconseil.fr.
2 Newman, D. N. (2018, September 25). 6 Steps To Build A Data-Driven Sales Team. forbes.com.
3 Bova, T. B. (2019, January 25). 26 Sales Statistics That Prove Selling Is Changing. salesforce.com.
4 Arora, A. A. (2021, March 9). 10 types de contenus visuels pour améliorer vos campagnes marketing. scoop-it.fr.
5 G.Southern, M. G. (2021, February 22). 62% of People Say Customer Photos Influence Purchase Decisions. searchenginejournal.com.
6 Fontanella, C. F. (2020, December 14). 25 Stats That Make the Case for Infographics in Your Marketing. blog.hubspot.com.
7 Mann, S. M. The Huge Impact of Product Description on Your E-Commerce Conversions. conversioner.com.
8 Chrum, A. C. 10 Stats That Prove the Importance of Product Content for E-commerce [Infographic]. onespace.com.
9 Montérémal, J. M. (2022, January 4). Convertissez vos visites en ventes grâce à une fiche produit parfaite. appvizer.fr.
10 Consumer Insights. thinkwithgoogle.com.
11 Lebedeva, A. L. (2017, June 5). How Leading Ecommerce Companies Drive Traffic to Their Websites. semrush.com.

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