Anticipate Black Friday 2024 and Reach Your Potential

Montag 21 Oktober 2024 
Elsa Benaiche Elsa Benaiche
3 Minuten
Anticipate Black Friday 2024 and Reach Your Potential

It's that time again, Black Friday is back, enabling businesses to significantly increase their sales. In 2023, 70.9 billion dollars1 were spent around the world during this period alone.

To get the most from this opportunity it is essential to anticipate Black Friday by preparing certain elements: website performance, social media communication, product page optimization…

Check out our tips for preparing Black Friday and making it work to your advantage.

Black Friday - Sale #

Optimize your website performance

During Black Friday, the « number of visitors can increase greatly2 » with « a vast rise in online traffic3 ». For example, eCommerce sites in the beauty and cosmetics industry experienced a 58% increase1 in traffic during the months of October and November in 2023.

Businesses must ensure that their website can handle this increase in traffic and make any necessary optimizations such as improving navigation flow, fixing broken URLs, replacing heavy images that slow down page loading, or removing out-of-stock products. These optimizations are essential to give shoppers a high-quality Black Friday experience by allowing them to snap up the best offers.

It is also important to adapt your website to mobile devices to meet shopper needs as on average, 76.6% of website visits4 during this period are through mobile devices.


Get the most from social media

Social networks are a great opportunity to communicate during Black Friday. 48% of shoppers5 use social media to look for special offers during this period.

To get the most from these platforms, you could use hashtags containing the expression « Black Friday5 ». From 2020 to 2021, the total volume of Black Friday hashtags increased by 21%6 on social networks.

A few weeks before Black Friday, businesses can communicate on the various offers « that they are planning to promote during this period7 ». This communication can be a sort of teasing8 on the bargains to come.


Manage Deliveries

To really make Black Friday beneficial, it is important to manage your logistics efficiently. The number of packages dispatched can reach +217%6 during the week itself as compared to a normal shopping week.

To anticipate a peak in the number of packages distributed, there are various actions9 you could undertake including contacting several different shipping providers, informing customers at each stage of the shopping journey, or providing pick-up point delivery options…

As a commercial gesture, you could offer « free delivery throughout the event6 ». This sort of initiative helps you stand out from the competition: 49% of shoppers10 state that free delivery has already influenced their purchasing decision in a Black Friday context.


Offer the right special deals

To make the most of Black Friday, it is crucial to communicate on offers that are relevant to shoppers and make them want to buy from you: 48% of shoppers4 save up money to spend during this period.

To achieve this, a business should offer reductions that are consistent11 with industry practices: fashion (50% to 70%11), home decor (30% to 50%11), beauty (25% to 30%11), retail (30% to 70%11).

To highlight these offers, you could promote the most popular categories on your website12 (high-tech, fashion, and household electrical) and vary the marketing channels used to communicate on these special offers: retargeting adds, newsletters, dedicated landing page…


Optimize your product pages

Optimizing product pages enables a business to present their promotions effectively13.

You could add the name of the special offer to various parts of the page: title, description, image… You should also ensure that the offers on your website are consistent with the information communicated on all other marketing channels such as landing pages, social networks, or comparison websites.

Another tip is to integrate strategic Black Friday keywords into product pages (sales, reductions, special offers…) to increase visibility among shoppers: 26% of website traffic14 is SEO driven during this period, followed by Paid Social (24%14), Direct (17%14), Email (7%14)…

Black Friday - 2024 - 2025

To sum up, to benefit from Black Friday it is important to prepare in advance to optimize the global experience for shoppers on product pages and all other brand touch points: landing pages, social media, search engines…

New call-to-action

1 Nation, E. (2024, September 16). Quelle stratégie e-commerce pour votre site web ? ECN | E-Commerce Nation.
2 6 conseils pour se lancer dans le Black Friday en tant qu'entrepreneur. (2023, November 17). LiveMentor.
3 Black Friday / Cyber Monday Planning : Are You Already Late ? (2024, July 9). LiveMentor.
4 Fokina, M. (2024, September 24). Black Friday Facts & ; Cyber Monday Stats [Report 2024]. Tidio.
5 6 idées de stratégies marketing pour le Black Friday à adopter pour 2023. (2023, October 31).
6 Smith, A. (2022, November 1st). How to create a Black Friday marketing strategy for social media. Sprout Social.
7 5 conseils pour réussir ses campagnes Black Friday sur les réseaux sociaux. (2023, January 4). Channable.
8 Nation, E. (2023, November 16). Les bonnes pratiques à adopter pour le Black Friday. ECN | E-Commerce Nation.
9 Comarketing-News. (2021, November 17). Saison des fêtes : 3 fois plus de colis attendus sur les routes.
10 78 Black Friday Statistics You Must Read : 2024 Market Share & Data Analysis. (2024, September 29).
11 Black Friday 2024 : nos astuces pour générer plus de ventes. (2024, October 1st).
12 L'Express. (2024, September 30). Black Friday 2024 : Dates, meilleures offres et astuces pour profiter des promos à ne pas manquer ! L'Express.
13 Black Friday 2023 : 6 étapes pour réussir votre marketing - Blog Lengow. (2023, August 29). Blog Lengow.
14 Carré, W. (2021, August 21). Retrouvez ici les grands chiffres du Black Friday (infographie).

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