GTIN : definition, advantages and why PIM can guarantee their reliability

Tuesday 17 September 2024 
Elsa Benaiche
3 minutes

An increasing number of eCommerce platforms such as Amazon or Amazon Business1 require that brands indicate their products' GTIN number. However, 10% of these numbers2 contain errors according to GS1 (Global Standards 1).

Product Information Management (PIM) solutions guarantee that your GTINs are error free before publication on selling channels.

Discover the definition of GTIN, the benefits for eCommerce businesses, and how PIM can help to guarantee their trustworthiness.


What is a GTIN?

The GTIN (Global Trade Item Number3) is a unique identification code for trade items. The GTIN system has been used for the past 50 years to identify the trade reference throughout the supply chain and simplify the exchange of information with commercial partners.

The international organization GS1 integrated the GTIN codification rules4 into their identification system. For example, the GTIN-13 is the most widespread code and uses the following codification rules: an enterprise prefix allocated by GS1 (7 figures), a product identification number allocated by the brand owner (5 figures), and a verification code (1 figure).


The GTIN benefiting product identification

To guarantee a unique and lasting identification of products, GS1 « never allocates » the same GTIN twice and does not authorize their resale or transfer to any third party. This protects the brand's authenticity and avoids their products being confused for similar or counterfeit articles.

If a product's characteristics change (composition, size, colors…), the same GTIN cannot be reused. Modification of over 20%7 to size or weight of a product requires the allocation of a new GTIN. For example, if the width of a washing powder box is changed from 3 inches to 4.2 inches (which is an extra 40%7) the GTIN will have to change.

This rule makes it possible to distinguish between the product6 before and after modification, throughout the supply chain.


The advantages of the GTIN number


Simplify the input of information on marketplaces

The majority of marketplaces (Amazon, Google, eBay…) now require vendors to enter their GTIN to register a product on their platform.

The vendor uses this number to retrieve all the product information existing in the marketplace's database and to list products faster to the platform. They save a considerable amount of time in getting their products online.


Boost your visibility on Google Shopping

Google shopping greatly increases product visibility. Every month 1.2 billion searches8 are carried out through this platform.

Since May 2016, eCommerce businesses wishing to make use of this platform are under obligation to declare their products' GTIN7.

Only eCommerce business having completed their declaration will show up in Google Shopping search results. Non‑compliance with this obligation can result in a product being removed completely from their search results list.


Improve your natural referencing

The Google algorithm considers GTINs as part of its rankings so products with GTINs rank better in search results.

Consequently, businesses that register their products' GTIN numbers increase their web traffic. 85% of shoppers do their research online before buying. These businesses also increase their volume of sales. Products with a GTIN have a higher click rate (+40%) and a higher conversion rate (+20%).


PIM: guarantee the reliability of GTIN in marketplaces


The challenges of ensuring the reliability of GTIN numbers

Many eCommerce businesses find it difficult to ensure the reliability of their GTIN. The main difficulties they encounter are:

  • Risk of duplicate products (1 product = several GTINs)
  • Risk of violation (1 GTIN = several products)
  • Products initially registered without a GTIN
  • Multiplication of fraudulent websites supplying irregular GTINs

Unreliable GTIN numbers can negatively impact your business: account blocked by a marketplace, poor ranking in search results, product registration rejected…


PIM and GTIN: reduce the risk of errors

PIM solutions (Product Information Management) allow you to centralize your GTINs and all other product-related information (photos, technical characteristics…) in one unique system.

Your Product and Marketing teams can use this database to have constant access to reliable GTIN codes that are up to date and error free. They can also add GTINs when launching new products or modify existing numbers following changes to characteristics.

Most importantly businesses can rely on a clear process for checking and validating GTINs before publication on selling channels (marketplaces, eCommerce sites, large retail or generalist websites…).

1 GS1 France. Comment vendre sur Amazon Marketplace en tant que professionnel ?
2 Leuenberger, M. (2023, December 5). L'importance des codes GTIN pour votre activité e-commerce - Lengow.
3 GS1. Le code GTIN, l'identifiant produit incontournable.
4 GS1. A propos des règles de codification des GTIN.
5 GS1. Modification des dimensions ou du poids brut.
6 Nouveau GTIN si le produit est modifié ?. GS1 Belgium & Luxembourg.
7 GS1 France. Les 7 étapes pour mieux vendre en ligne.
8 Eskimoz. Google Shopping : un levier incontournable en e-commerce.
9 GS1 France. Vendez vos produits en ligne avec un code GTIN/EAN.

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